1 of the 1,078 MLS listings in or near Moorpark, California as of .
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The MLS, or Multiple Listings Service for Moorpark, California is a digital database of details about homes that are for sale in specific areas. The actual MLS itself is accessible only to real estate agents, though much of the information that is available on the MLS is also now available online. With access to over 1,078 listings in and near Moorpark, MLSLISTINGS.COM.VC provides you with searchable information about MLS listings that used to only be available to realtors and their clients.
The MLS traditionally contains details about a property like the number of rooms, the school district, information about the lot size and condition, along with accompanying photos or virtual tours. The way it typically works is that the seller’s broker would list the property information and then buyer’s agents could access the details about the properties in their geographic area. Since MLS listings are mostly digital now, details about a house (including if it is still on the market) can be updated and realtors can have new information just minutes after there’s a change. Much of this information is now available to anyone online, which is what we provide you here at MLSLISTINGS.COM.VC.
When you’re looking for MLS listings in Moorpark, California so that you can find your next property purchase, there are a few things you’ll need to know. Here are a few tips to help you navigate the MLS:
1. Know Your Terms. The MLS uses some terms and abbreviations that can be confusing to someone who is unfamiliar with the lingo of real estate. There are a handful of terms you will probably see frequently:
• AWC stands for “active with contingencies.” Listings marked as AWC have had an offer made on them, but the offer has contingencies. You can still make an offer on these listings. If the buyers or sellers have trouble meeting the contingencies, the next offer (hopefully yours) will be considered.
• Pending means that the buyers have made an offer, which the sellers have accepted, and they’re moving toward closing. Keep an eye on these properties because sometimes the deals fall through before closing.
• TOM stands for “temporarily off market.” This just means that the sellers have decided to suspend the search for a buyer for a period of time. This is usually due to travel, illness, or a dry real estate season.
2. Get a Realtor. MLSLISTINGS.COM.VC provides you with access to MLS details about homes in
Moorpark, and sometimes that can be overwhelming. A Realtor will help you comb through listings, both the ones you find online and the ones he or she has exclusive access to. They will also represent your interests throughout the process of making an offer.
3. Know What You Want. Make a list of your priorities or “must haves” when it comes to what kind of house you are looking for. Your Realtor can use your email address and have the MLS database perform a twice-weekly search using your priorities. The database will then send you the updates, allowing you to have the most up-to-date listings of candidates in
Moorpark, California. If you don’t know what you are looking for, the MLS and its comprehensive database won’t be much use to you. And don’t be afraid that your list of “must haves” will mean that you won’t be able to find a house that you like. The MLS database is detailed enough that it is sure to present you with viable options. Think about things like the number of bedrooms and bathrooms you want, the neighborhood you’re after (or school district), the lot size, or the house style (condo, townhouse, etc.).
4. Don’t Limit Yourself to Only the MLS. The MLS database is usually the first place Realtors and even some home buyers want to go for their information. However, the Internet has revolutionized the home buying process, making most of the information on the MLS readily available to the general public (whereas the MLS itself is only available to real estate agents). You can use the search functions of MLSLISTINGS.COM.VC to find MLS listings in
Moorpark, and then take the listings that fit your needs to your Realtor to arrange a showing. This puts more power in the hands of the buyer, and allows you to make more informed decisions that will save you time, energy, and money.
5. Don’t Accept Customer Reports. If you are using the MLS listings through your Realtor, make sure he or she doesn’t give you customer reports. These are reports that have less detailed information about the listings. Just tell your Realtor that you want the full report on each property, so you have all the information you need to decide if you want to set up a showing of the property. Better yet, just use our site here at MLSLISTINGS.COM.VC, as we provide you with access to over 1,078 MLS listings in and near Moorpark.
The MLS in Moorpark, California allows you to view houses without leaving your home. You can look at photographs, take a virtual tour with some properties, and read all about the home’s condition. It is a valuable time saving tool because it allows you to weed out the houses that might look good, if you didn’t have the details. A home may be in your price range, but the backyard is too small- and you wouldn’t have known that without the information from the MLS.
If you haven’t hired a real estate agent because you’re still figuring out exactly what kind of home you’re interested in, MLSLISTINGS.COM.VC will let you browse properties by many of the identical searchable criteria on the MLS. Since you don’t have access to the actual MLS without a real estate agent, this makes MLSLISTINGS.COM.VC your first go-to resource about houses for sale in Moorpark, California.